Lat Works Construction

Unit. Brick.Modular.One-Third Running.Jpg

Although the principles presented here are the same for either system, care should be used when using the conversions given here for metric modular units and construction.

How to build a block wall Lay the Blocks.منتديات ستار تايمز – Masonry.Unit Masonry.Brick.Modular.One-Third Running.Jpg

Actual dimensions are the measurements of the brick as manufactured. For longer masonry wall lengths made of modular-sized brick and about four or more brick lengths long, the actual constructed length of the element often will be the modular dimension.

The overall intent and appearance of the project can be presented without the precision of specified dimensions. Use specified dimensions for drawings shown in ¼ in. However, all non-modular brick of a certain size create a module equal to the sum of one brick length and one mortar joint width.

Non-modular brick that are approximately three times as long as they are wide are usually laid in one-third running bond. A certain number of courses will correspond to 4, 8, 12 or 16 in. Figure 4 shows an example of dimensions for a punched window opening for modular sized brick units. Because of its simplicity and accuracy, the most widely used estimating procedure is the wall-area method. Determining the area of brick and mortar within each unit area of wall depends on both brick size and joint width. In modular masonry, mortar joint sizes are dictated by the size of the brick, simplifying the estimating process. Table 4 presents the estimated quantities of brick and mortar (not including waste) required for brick masonry according to the size of brick used in the wall.

Table 5 can be used to estimate the quantity of mortar within the collar joint. Table 4 are based on fully bedded, solid masonry units (coring up to 25 percent of the bedded area). Field testing has demonstrated that a veneer constructed of hollow brick units with a nominal thickness of 3 to 4 in.

Набор текстур из 3D Studio MAX v8.0. Архитектурные материалы [IMAGE

Care should be taken to avoid using excessively plastic mortar or placement methods that would force excessive amounts of mortar into the cells or cores of the brick below.

Table 4 are valid for most hollow brick veneer applications. Table 4 are based on running or stack bond patterns. Correction factors are applicable only to brick with lengths equal to twice the depth and 2½ to three times the height. Allowances for waste vary, but as a general rule, add 15 to 25 percent to the net mortar quantities. These keep the unit away from any water sitting inside the frame.

Building A Block Wall

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